The Weekly Bookmark February 26, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 11 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Chicago Online! - Part 1 of 2 Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts Due to some problems with subscriptions and the majordomo this weekend, I was forced to hold this issue until tonight. The subscriber list was accidentally deleted by a system glitch?! and I had to rebuild it by hand. This was a horrible task which took me nearly 2 days. Hopefully, everyone got a confirmation of their subscription to the Weekly Bookmark and that will help aid in unsubscription if that ever happens. Today, is the sort of grand-reopening to the Weekly Bookmark. I have made new announcements to several places and have made several changes to the Weekly Bookmark in the last few weeks. One of the most notable ones is a new logo (for the time being). I thought it was about time to put something new up there. Also, Marian Hank, one of our staff writers, has put together an excellent two part series on Chicago. We hope you enjoy it and here are a few projects coming up in the next couple of months: Tax help and information Political campaigns WBAds! A new forum for business advertising. Email for more information. This will keep us busy for awhile. For now, enjoy a great new issue of the Weekly Bookmark! __________________________________________________________ Chicago Online! Marian Hank NOTE: To view the pages noted in this article, you must jump to The Second City, City of Big Shoulders, the Windy City, a City of Neighborhoods, Mayor Daley, The Chicago Fire, The Chicago Stockyards, Gangsters, Pizza, Wrigley Field, World Class Museums and Store Front Theatres. Chicago means many things to many people. For me, it is all of the above, plus, most importantly, it is home. My passion for my city has led me to collect quite a bookmark file of Chicago links, and this article and my next will be dedicated to a virtual tour of Chicago. This first article will explore some of the WWW sites that highlight some of Chicago's major offering and next week we will explore the cultural side of the city. The first stop on our virtual tour is The Chicago Mosaic Homepage. The impressive goals of this effort are outlined in the mission statement: The mission of the Chicago Mosaic project is to create an accessible, interactive, and intelligent information infrastructure to improve both the quality and quantity of communication among individual citizens, community groups, and units of government throughout the City of Chicago. Among the highlights on the Mosaic Web are Mayor Daley's homepage, The Electronic Tour Guide, and local residents will find the Chicago Works Mart useful in finding information about city services. There are sections on budget information, community policing and practical tourism information. This is a very well rounded official city web site. Another site that provides a well-rounded tour of Chicago is The Gordon Lake Chicago Web. This page has loads of interesting original content including the Chicago Web Yellow Pages, a local internet soap opera, and a Shopping Cart with information on weekly food deals around town. In addition, it serves as a index with pointers to sites covering everything Chicago from sports to entertainment to the weather. It is currently the definitive Chicago collection of homepages. Other excellent index style pages for Chicago include the Citynet Chicago Page, Sunnysite Surf and The WXRT Radio Chicago Resources page. One of the nicer aspects of living in a city like Chicago where many cultures are combined is the food. You can dine on everything from authentic Indian cuisine to plain old country cooking. Choosing a restaurant is easier now thanks to the searchable index at Chicago Restaurants and the Chicago Fine Dining Guide. Two of Chicago's major newspapers have an on-line presence, The Chicago Suntimes and The Chicago Tribune. The local Internet Newsstand provides links to other local publications. All the publications seem to be focusing on putting useful information on the net, so these are excellent resources for those that are looking for a job, housing or companionship in the windy city. Finding your way around is also made a bit easier thanks to the web. The Subway System of Chicago allows you to type in your starting point and destination and it will plan out a route for you. You can print out a map or text version of your route. As a local, I pride myself on my ability to navigate the subway, but this program has come up with a better travel plan than I would have thought of more than once. Metra offers schedules and information for the extensive commuter rail service, and if you travel around town by car, you'll want to bookmark this Expressway Congestion Map. Before I close, there is one more site I want to share with you. Many of the people who live in the suburbs feel as strongly about their community as those of us who live smack in the middle of things. One of my personal favorite tribute pages is Heavenston, a page which includes "Things pertaining to Evanston and its suburb to the south." I hope you enjoyed this electronic tour. There is still a lot of armchair exploring left to be done. Chicago house some world class museums, architectural gems, and other treasures great and small. The next article will highlight Chicago's culture and counterculture. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape Hand-Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas New Internet User? Visit Our Help Web __________________________________________________________ Out There Computers InternetUser News, Reviews, and Links to Internet Software and Tools from PC Magazine; a one stop shop for all your Internet interests. URL: Submitted By: Michael Katz Education AEGEE-Athina's Home Page AEGEE is the abbreviation of Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l' Europe. AEGEE is the biggest European Students' Association, non-profit making, financially independent without any links to any political party. AEGEE aims at the promoti on of European cooperation & integration among young people. AEGEE-Athina is one of the most active and lively 'antenna' of our network. Come and meet the unique "AEGEE-spirit" through our pages!!! URL: Submitted By: Stelios Mystakidis Socorro ISD These are the web pages for the Socorro Independent School Disrtict El Paso, Texas. URL: Submitted By: John Tomas Horus' World Wide Web Links to History Resources Horus' History Links is a collection of links to WWW resources for history research and education. Links are divided into 53 categories, with architecture, antiques, genealogy, historic preservation, local history, historical periods, historical persons, historical photograph online collections, and museums being particularly well developed. Horus' site includes a submission form, search engine, and annotation discussing the philosophy behind the col lection, categorization, and use of the links. Historians services include organizations, software, conferences, email discussion lists, and internet usage guidance. The collection is associated with the Department of History, University of California, R iverside, and is intended to be of broad utility to history students, students of history, local historians, living history buffs, and genealogists. Links are provided to experimental curricula and instructional use of the Web at UC Riverside's Departmen t of History. The site is updated monthly. Horus History Links has been commended and recommended by four internet review services as an excellent place to begin history surfing on the Web. URL: Submitted By: Ronald Tobey List of Student Affairs Listservs The List of Student Affairs Listservs contains information on 138 discussion groups for student affairs professionals. The posted information is broken down into 26 functional areas such as diversity, health, residence life, student activities, etc. Each Listserv has the subscription address, number of subscribers and the weekly number of messages recorded for the particular discussion group. URL: Submitted By: Stuart J. Brown Entertainment This site has many unique features. There's a listing of TV homepages, Star Trek information (including Lynch's Reviews of the individual episodes!), a large Theatre resource, and information on our local Festival - Platteville Dairy Days. Although th ere aren't any super cool graphics, it has a ton of GREAT information! URL: Submitted By: Tom Covert Regional is Southwestern Wisconsin's newest Internet provider. We've been busy putting together virtual communities. Come and Visit Southwestern Wisconsin in a whole new way! Cities currently on-line: Platteville, WI, Lancaster, WI, Cuba City, WI , and Dubuque, IA. There are also a number of resources available at Cybertown. News and Weather, Parents and Kids Links, Job Search Links, and MUCH more! URL: Submitted By: Dick Davies Science Plant and Animal Monitoring in North America A gateway to information on the science of monitoring plants and animals. Contains monitoring guidance, software, procedures, links to other organizations, presentations of trends and inventories, and opportunities for participation. Monitoring infor mation currently concentrates on birds, amphibians, and butterflies. Many downloadable software, and data files, some pictures and sounds of birds are also available. URL: Submitted By: Sam Droege Society and Culture Pandora's PaganWeb Witchcraft, Wicca, Neo-Paganism and magic page. Excellent reading list and related site links. Home of "Cauldrons and Broomsticks," a monthly e-newsletter for the Wiccan community. URL: Submitted By: Toni Parra _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writers Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen tnellen@mbhs.bergtraum.k12.ny .us Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to